Low back pain affects us all at one time or another in a lifetime. Some people suffer much more frequently. Billions of dollars are spent on rather dubious treatments. Here is the most common cause of low back pain that I have seen in my 30 years of bodywork: It may seem strange but it comes from tight thigh muscles, quadriceps. Really. When the quadriceps get tight from too much exertion or simply being overweight, they pull down on the pelvis, via their attachment and rotate the pelvis forward.

The counter strain then forces the lumbar vertebrae to bend farther than it normally would, forcing one side open and the other side more closed. The compression squeezes the disc (cushion) and results in either just an irritated nerve, a bulging disc or over time a herniated disc. Getting that space back is paramount. That is where we come in. By using deep tissue techniques, intense stretches and a knowledge of what causes what, we can often help or eliminate the problem.