Pain on the side of the face is usually related to the closing of the mouth, or, opening of the mouth. Sometimes the jaw gets stuck open. Sometimes the jaw gets stuck closed. Both can be very painful. We work the outside muscles and the inside muscles (with gloves). Most TMJ pain is from a tight masseter (outside) muscle or the medial (inside) pterygoid muscle.

TMJ pain is no laughing matter. It is usually chronic and changes the quality of life. The cause is usually over use. Repetitive actions like chewing gum, beef jerky or ice chips can overload our muscles of mastication (chewing). Ice packs can help reduce some inflammation and pain. You can assist the healing when the pain is relatively low by using hot packs for 15 minutes and then gently stretch doing the "angry lion". That is opening your mouth wide to the point of medium tightness for 3-5 seconds, then release. Brief rest, 10 times total. Rest. Repeat 2 times. Written as : 10 x 3 Angry Lion Jaw stretch. Open far and wide.